Thursday, November 10, 2011

Romeo Wherefore art thou?

Beginnings of final project research: Watched Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet last night. Some very interesting stuff. (I gotta say, the pants were my favorite part.) My biggest concern-and--and this is a big concern--is how we're going to get the essence of the love story in three, one-and-a-half minute scenes. I have confidence that we can! I literally have the best group in the WORLD so I have no doubt we can accomplish this task.


  1. For some reason I always think that Romeo in that movie looks like Zac Efron...
    p.s. this is not a constructive comment.:)

  2. I know right?! I said that to Anthony, and he said, "who? I don't know who Zac Efron is"
