I am in a european studies class, and a few of my classmates and I had a deep discussion on the effects of Shakespeare in European Culture. A few interesting points that sprouted from that dialogue:
- We talked about how my Christian theme is really quite easy to spot in a lot of great stories, because it is the ultimate storyline: there is a sacrafice for the greater good. It is easy to pick up Christian motifs and themes in basically anywhere, because we are so fascinated by the basic principal.
- Basically what we know of Europe today (a lot of it at least) comes from Shakespeare's works
- Shakespeare was to Europe as Hollywood is to America. He dramatized LIFE. Made it so that normal, boring ordinary humans were dramatic, interesting, dynamic characters. Which has intrigued and held the attention of the masses for centuries!
- One friend was lost in Rome, wandering around with his mother, and they stumbled on the very place where Julius Caesar was Murdered! The Senate house is there still, but in ruins, and apparently teeming with homeless cats. Who'd have thunk?
- I told them to check out my blog.
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Our world is connected by the speed of our internet. Isn't it amazing how I can email/call instantaniously the Shakespeare festival in Oregon, who is in the closing weekend of their Julius Caesar run, and potentially hear from them within minutes?! (potentially is the key word): http://www.osfashland.org/browse/production.aspx?prod=206
Looks like an awesome production. I'll certainly post when the artistic office replies to one of my messages requesting contact information for the director or any one of the designers... I am really looking forward to talking to them!
I reached out to quite a few sources via online, and have not yet had a reply. I am not discouraged however. I found some very cool things. One of my favorite: My new friend Elenor, from goodreads, wrote this awesome statement that I had to pass along:

I also found this promo video for an experimental version: "Shakespeare in Paradise - Julius Caesar "Marcus Brutus"
I must've pasted my Ceasar and Christianity link probably to an annoying extent on lots of posts about Julius Ceasar. Someone is bound to respond eventually right? I will keep you updated when anyone does!
This is the fun part... waiting around for somebody to get back... I feel like I am fishing.
ReplyDeleteI am intrigued by the statement you quoted from Elenor, but don't quite know what to make of it. Do you happen to have an interpretation?